The Full Story
ST. IVES ARTISTS 1914 - 1930

During this period, the St Ives art colony faced great challenges as it sought to adapt to the outbreak of war and the subsequent political, economic and social turmoil as well as changes in the art market. There was also a sea change in personnel in the colony both during the war years and in the 1920s.

Artists featured include the Belgian refugees Emile Fabry and Louis Reckelbus, Charles Simpson, Borlase Smart, John Park, Moffat Lindner, George Bradshaw, William Cave Day, Donald Angier, Hurst Balmford, Mary McCrossan, Frances Tysoe Smith, Terrick Williams and the Australian, Charles Bryant, as well as examples of the work of St Ives printmakers led by Alfred Hartley during the etching boom of the 1920s

St. Ives Museum is delighted for the opportunity to present a collection of these works, executed and now displayed in the place of their origin
The exhibition will run until the end of October 2025. We would like to thank Mr David Tovey for his wealth of knowledge and support in implementing this exhibition.